To be honest, I’ve been procrastinating on starting this new web project I’m supposed to build. The truth is, I’m an Android developer, not a web developer, and the thought of diving into something so unfamiliar has been overwhelming. In an attempt to gain clarity, I sought advice from others. But instead of finding direction, I found myself even more confused. There were so many voices, so many opinions—it all started to go over my head. I didn’t even know where to begin. Feeling unqualified delayed the process even further.
Then, I came across something that stopped me in my tracks: "Growth is doing things you’re not qualified for, and in doing so, you become qualified."
That statement resonated deeply. It reminded me of the many times I had stepped outside my comfort zone before—times when I didn’t feel ready or equipped, yet somehow, I made it through. If I hadn’t embraced new challenges in the past, I wouldn’t have experienced the incredible growth I have, both personally and professionally. Heck, I wouldn’t be traveling the world and doing things I once thought were impossible.
This project feels scarier because it’s tied to my career, and with that comes the weight of professional expectations. There are consequences for failing in a professional setting, and that’s what makes it feel so daunting. When I used to take on challenges just for myself, failure didn’t feel as heavy—it was just part of the process. But now, with higher stakes, the fear is more pronounced.
Then I asked myself, "You wanted a career, right? How do you think a career grows?" The answer was clear: by doing challenging things. By refusing to stay stuck in a routine. Growth doesn’t come from playing it safe or sticking to what you already know. It comes from taking on the tasks that scare you, the ones that make you feel unprepared, and figuring it out along the way.
So here I am, ready to dive into this project, even if I don’t feel entirely qualified. Because the truth is, none of us grow by waiting to feel ready. We grow by doing.
To more growth and doing things I am not qualified for!!! Let’s freaking go!!