As a child, I struggled with stage fright. The mere thought of having an audience's eyes on me made me want to run and hide. This anxiety made school life especially difficult, particularly during orals.
Looking back, I realize that my fear was compounded by the fact that I often had to speak about topics I wasn't passionate about. This lack of interest in the subject matter contributed to my lack of confidence, making public speaking seem unbearable.
However, as I grew older, I discovered that speaking about something I'm passionate about – in my case, technology and developer relations – gave me a newfound excitement for public speaking. I found that this was my superpower.
As a beginner in the tech conference space, I struggled with filling out speaker applications. Each conference has its ideal speaker and topic, making it challenging to know what to include in an application. So, I developed a guideline to help other beginners navigate this process.
Step one: Find Relevant Conferences
Look for conferences that match your technical expertise and community experience. Create a list of conferences, including their dates, locations, venues, time zones, application links, and due dates.
Step two: Understand the Conference Guidelines
Read the conference guidelines, which include information on travel and accommodation, the conference theme, dates, types of talks, and character or word minimum limits.
Step three: Create Your Presentation
Begin by choosing your topic, field, and title, and designing the flow of your presentation. This will help you develop the takeaways and descriptions for your session. Also, include your biography and relevant links.
Step four: Fill Out the Application
Create a rough draft of your application, and then ask someone experienced and trustworthy to give you feedback. Make any necessary corrections and click submit. Don't be discouraged if you're not selected, but use it as motivation to try again.
In conclusion, entering the tech conference space takes time, patience, and determination. But by following these guidelines, beginners can increase their chances of being selected to speak at a conference that matches their passion and expertise.